Round 15 (3/18/23) - Extemp Answers

Last updated: April 21, 2024 at 04:19 PM

AG (Attention Getter)

As a high-schooler, I know what it feels like to have to work for eight hours a day, five days a week, even though I am not yet a part of the workforce. The truth is, whether it be school or work, the constant labor can be straining and effects mental health greatly.

BG (Background)

As you probably know, the five-day work week is the standard policy used by the U.S. and its employers. But recently, the idea of a 4-day, 32-hour work week is being discussed more and more and is leading some to seriously consider changes to how we schedule work.

Q (Question)

Will the four-day work week take hold across large portions of the population?

Answer (Summary Of Speech)

Although it's unlikely to happen as soon as some want it to, it does seem like the four-day work week will eventually end up becoming the new normal. It is gaining traction, is incredibly popular overall, and the mental health factor increases the chances of implementation.

R1 (First Reason)

The concept of a four-day work week is gaining traction, in the media and politically. TIME 1/19/23 says that because there is an increasing number of tests & studies with the four-day work week idea, 2023, or the next decade, is likely to be when we make the switch over to the 32-hour schedule. Some who participate in these studies say that they "would never go back" to the traditional schedule, and this positive attention & reception helps spread the word as well as promote the idea. Plus, legislation has been revived in Congress as well, and it seems that there is more bipartisan support for the bill than there was before. All in all, the positive attention combined with good results from studies can be greatly infuential on the potential change.

R2 (Second Reason)

A four-day work week is simply popular amongst Americans. Forbes 10/27/22 explains that of the companies testing a four-day work week, 88% of them said it was working well, showing that employers are clearly satisfied with the change, squashing any concerns of lower productivity or efficiency with employees. CNBC 12/9/22 says that workers who tried the four-day practice will never return, and the consensus is that the change is greatly helpful. Overall, it relieved stress & benefitted mental health.

R3 (Third Reason)

The conversation of mental health greatly helps the chances of a four-day work week. TIME 2/20/23 discusses how a four-day work week improves health in many ways. It reduces stress, provides for better sleep, as well as giving more time for exercise. These are all things that people desire, showing the benefits of the change. Plus, 71% of testers said they experienced lower burnout, and 50% say it improved their physical health. NBC 1/10/20 says that there is an increased willingness to acknowledge and recognize mental health as a whole in America, and that this could help support the idea & legislation behind a four-day work week.

C (Conclusion)

We see that although a four-day work week is unlikely to happen so soon, it is showing more and more signs of happening in the near future, with it gaining attention and popularity, and with the health benefits becoming more clear.