Round 9 (3/11/23) - Extemp Answers

Last updated: April 21, 2024 at 04:19 PM

AG (Attention Getter)

Most people think of South Korea & North Korea as the biggest, most dynamic conflict in East Asia. However, there is another tense relationship in the region that isn't as widely discussed. That relationship is between South Korea & Japan.

BG (Background)

South Korea & Japan are neighbors, both major U.S. allies, and there relationship has been deteriorating in recent years. Whether it be the issue of territorial claims, histories of the countries' actions against each other, or the reparations that they offer to make up for those actions, it's clear they are divided. The two nations no longer call themselves "partners", and their stalemate blocks U.S. efforts to stall China in the region.

Q (Question)

Can South Korea cool relations with Japan?

Answer (Summary Of Speech)

It's clear that yes, South Korea can most certainly cool relations with Japan. There are plenty of reasons & a lot of motivation to do so, the threat of China looms over East Asia, and the U.S. support for conflict resolution greatly helps it's chances.

R1 (First Reason)

There is lot's of motivation to work towards some kind of resolution. For one, no one, including South Korea or Japan, wants any kind of escalation, war, conflict, or disagreement in the first place. Also, the two nations have repeatedly tried to make amends in the past, showing their dedication to the cause. And there have been numerous reported "breakthrough" attempts in recent years. Depite most of them failing, the two countries keep trying, showing their hope & committment.

R2 (Second Reason)

We also see the threat of China play into the Japan/South Korea conversation in a big way. The Washington Post 3-9-23 explains that the countries are moving to re-establish a partnership on their own accord, with or without the U.S. intervening. This is because they are rethinking security to counter China's aggressive regional expansion strategy, and they have shown they are willing to continue dealing with this issue on their own. The two countries have also pledged to deepen ties, showing the true urgency of the situation.

R3 (Third Reason)

U.S. support for some kind of resolution greatly helps its chances of success. The United States needs resolution so they can adequately fight back against China. Also, South Korea & Japan rely on the U.S. for military & economic support, they need to work with us and have to work with each other as a result. Foreign Affairs 2-9-2023 explains that South Korea has directly requested that the U.S. supply them with nuclear weapons to defend themselves against North Korea. This is just one example of how much the two nations depend on us, and this won't change, meaning they need to stay on our good side by working together.

C (Conclusion)

It's clear that South Korea can cool relations with Japan because there is plenty of motivation to do so, the threat of China is extremely important, and the U.S. support for resolution greatly helps the case. Overall, the history has shown that they both want to do better and work together as allies more in the future.